Nice to meet you
I discuss , and for as long as I can remember I have loved words: to sing them, to rhyme them, to chat them,
Write them - you name it.
After going through the familiar stage where every first grade girl dreams of becoming an archeologist or marine biologist (proof of my sense of adventure), towards the end of elementary school I came to the considered decision that I want to be a writer.
Yes, writer.
I know a lot of kids think of a dream and don't commit to it: "firefighter," "policewoman," "pilot," "veterinarian."
Our childhood dreams are eventually buried in memory as we move on to the next dream.
But I always knew what I wanted.
I know it's an obvious right to know what your fate is before you even meet it. I cherish this knowledge. Maybe thanks to her it was easier for me not to give up on myself even when there were obstacles. Even when the light at the end of the tunnel was tiny. Even when the dream of becoming a writer was very far away.
Today I have five books I have written, in Hebrew and English, and I have finished writing the third book in the detective series Sharon Davis.
I strive to continue to develop as a writer, to persevere in writing, to increase my readership and to gain their appreciation. Because in the end I write not only for myself but for you.
Why stress?
One of the unfulfilled dreams I had as a child was to be a detective. As a devout suspense reader, I was always looking for a female protagonist that I could identify with, but I did not find one. So I decided to write it in the person of Detective Sharon Davis.
Our literature - and especially suspense literature - needs more strong women to star in it. Not just as "the good," "sensitive," or "beautiful." I also want to read about sometimes mean women, about female characters going through some process throughout the story, that something in them changes, that I will suddenly change my mind about them, that there will be a female complexity that will make me understand and internalize that as a human I can choose to be who I want to be.
I hope that my writing enables all of these, that I enable a wide range of female incarnations, while writing sweeping and original and surprising plot. Books that everyone can enjoy without succumbing to gender stereotypes.
Anyone who knows my writing knows that I like to challenge and surprise my readers, to create twists that are seemingly out of nowhere, but on second reading discover that the clues have always been there. These are the kind of books I like to read the most, so I have the most fun writing them.
The thing that excites me the most is when I get a message from a reader who liked the book. This is the most amazing feeling in the world, and at that moment I know I have chosen the right profession. That's just my vocation.
Waiting for you to read me,